Saturday, August 16, 2014

IMDb - The Soapbox

Anyone want to discuss health of their body?

Age 0 - mother's milk 
Age 1 - peas please 
Age 2 - plain chicken and icky ketsup, that God awful stuff - corn 
Age 3 - POP corn and CHOCOLATE milk 
Age 4 - PBJ? 
Age 10 - sandwiches with lotta ham and turkey and nothing else on white bread 
Age 11 - not the sandwiches! 
Age 12 - things like frozen eggrolls, Pizza Pockets at home watching CATS 
Age 14 - hs - their burgers, pizzas, .. 
Age 15-19 - very healthy 

Age 20 - chicken and pasta 
Age 21 - frozen hamburgers with spice on wheat bread, homemade pizza with spice 
Age 22.. - tried to eat healthier 
Age 24-5 - I became fatter in the end, pizza pockets, etc.., burgers with ketsup 
Age 26-8 - maybe ate with fam sometimes 
Present - Trying to diet again like when I was a teen - like, I just had a carrot. I want the total diet, but I'll have to have some fats, oils, and sweets for my metabolism. I wanna cook more, did some before but not much. Going back to sammiches, cooking dinners sometimes, stews, mushy rice and chicken.. smoothies, juice.. random veggies - not a fasting diet

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