
Dutch girl in Denmark
One Pissed Off Veteran (Disabled)
Miss Music Nerd - not your mama's music appreciation - Pittsburgh!
amillionparachutes - ½ paternally Irish Mexican ¼ grandmaternallymaternally Choctaw Native American/Swiss - from a Hispanic city - “just a white girl” with no culture
Pink Blazer

Cantus Mundi - Worldwide Ministry of Music
New Orleans Online
White Girl Problems - Book Author
ellen desassypants - in my spaceship

Heather - from IMDb, married to Petyr Baeylisch (sp?)

Joshua Meadows - Twitter Tumblr
Margaret Baker - Twitter Facebook Tumblr
Karen Kirkman - Twitter Facebook

The Last Verista Niagara Falls Italian Mezzo Opera Singer (Pianist, Accordionist, & Musicologist|Historian)
 ❦ internet bio
The Official David Selby Blog L.A. Stage Actor
Sandy Schaefer
Chanda Causer
Japan - Nana Depp - Johnny Depp and Chloƫ Grace Moretz fan
Japan - mao-chuu - future Hollywood actor studying English
Japan - Emmie - pianist pop music lover Tim Burton Johnny

+Joshua Meadows