Thursday, July 24, 2014


My brother kept making movements while we watched "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" from the 70's if I thought of something good, like denying and threatening me.  I thought of those violent thoughts so I would not lose control, but he's being mean to me for that, too, not just pushing on the car with my feet.  He wouldn't stop bothering me.


I prayed in my parents's deluxe bathroom, and later after finishing supper I read the entire book of Esther, which isn't so much.  I found a Proverb to go by:

1:30 "...Stupid people are destroyed by their own lack of concern."

I still don't feel that much better.  I feel restless.  Maybe, I should keep going through Proverbs at times.  I am doing more laundry.  My brother is studying, so I don't feel up to dishes right now there.

Just touching the book of Esther, I learned how serious it is to be nice, though life isn't fair.

I found

Johnny Depp wants his fans to be bad popular people and wants to say that people like me are Chinese when they are 1/2 European.

Well I'm here

and nothing interesting on my Twitter feed but a toddler or young childhood pic of Josh Groban..

Sad Thought

I think it's my brother's fault and maybe not all someone else.

I should make an extra effort

to think something else when I get mad and not make loud noises.  I'm so sorry.  I do think a lesson needs to be learned.  It wasn't like I was attacking innocence.  It was literally surrounding me constantly, and I couldn't just run to my room whenever someone decides to be mean.  Gotta have a word with my oh so enlightened therapist.

I feel.. one will understand me because of what I felt.  I am away.  I really couldn't take it and made some loud noises.  I did already ask for help.  I didn't get it.  So, I just gotta try.  My brother kept sending secret threats about my future kids, though.  Like, he knew it would be that way.  I'm here to say I am not to be poked at like that!

I don't know what I mean.

Someone deserves a big lesson, but I'm sorry of all the thoughts of violence that came to me.  Like I say, I was surrounded indefinitely by being attacked through secret messages from others.  I actually kicked in the car I felt so bad.  Something needs to be done about my parents.
You don't complain because people pretend you're attractive and never someone else.  So, next time you think it could have been better, you're wrong.


  1. 09-18-2013 Josh Groban on The Ellen Show

    Follow me on twitter @jgcornerpub.
Put him in a crow ded room.

I'm sorry.

These people DO have a problem.

I need alone time.

My dad's secret messages should not pop up.


Wouldn't my dad be happy if Josh Groban is nice?  What are you worried about?

What a Baby

I didn't do anything against Johnny Depp that he did that was innocent.  If he hurt me, he hurt me.  He is threatening to kill people who stand for me, it seems, in secret message.

Ya'll want me to call the police on ya'll?

Why is everyone rejecting me?  Is it that thing with Helena Bonham Carter?


If I say something about someone who's old enough to be my parent or parental mentor..

I could get hurt.

I must admit Josh Groban, while imperfect he admits as far as emotionally not being too much of a roller coaster..

has made me see the light, though other things probably picked out a feeling.

All That

What do you think of Ellen DeGeneres and Johnny Depp?  I mean, are they especially kind?  You know what I mean.


Khristin was sitting at the edge of the water when Josh Groban came to pick her up and said, "Come on, ye yungun," with her positioned on him as he massaged her back.

Celeste was still at the water with some other girls still left.  Josh trusted that there she stay.

"Will ye come up already, it's rather cruel weather for testin' it in the waters," said Celeste.  Josh Grboan could like hear her voice it seemed could be a mile away for some reason..  Chubby little Khristin, only 8, ran home.  Celeste remembered when she was 8.  It wasn't great.  She was an artist and met Josh after she started music at 9.  It was so hard to get into.

Celeste was dressed in red with white lace like as the undertone.  The dress had white lace down the front coming to almost a letter "V."  There was lace at her cuffs and under the dress.  In her gold hair was a white lace bow.  She looked up to see Josh and got up to her red boots.  She went to pull up a girl named Bridget who was cold and wet and she was forced to undress her in the 40 degree weather and wrapped a robe around her and took her home.

Celeste went back out and walked by the water.  The light was now dimming.  She could almost as though feel she was of a distant melody.  The little girls went home, and she was stuck alone to wonder about the danger they knew not.  People could come from another country and fight.  That was partially unlikely in those times.  She now stood up.  She was well-educated of her ancestors's and other race's pasts and about the idea and evidence of alien life.  She walked a ways along the bay herself, for she was 18.

Josh Groban came up to her for serious talk.  They exchanged conversation for awhile.  In the end he had his arm around her.  She just loved it out so dark.  She knew nothing could separate them.  It was safe.

They walked down quietly for awhile, until they reached a palm tree.  Celeste put her hand on it, and Josh looked at it.  She felt as though her hand could go right through it.  Josh looked concerned, so he picked up Celeste and hugged her.  They walked home with his hand around her shoulder.

Back at home, he followed her to her room.  He was 30, and she was the youngest 1 in the house.  Her sisters were accomplished witches in their 20s.  Their names were Alicia and Melanie.  Her mother came in and stood at the doorway and asked how they were and went and put her arms around her and whispered to her.

So, Celeste and Josh finished the night playing Campus Monopoly and she dared him to go outside at night with her.  They did.  They went to a favorite hub on the beach and to a saloon, where she got pizza and a lemonade, whereas he had himself a drink.

Soon, they found a ban of friendly pirates.  Josh said he must go, and Celeste being 18 was allowed to go, too, so off they went.  There were beds for everyone, and Celeste found a nice cozy loft, where the boy followed.  She got some sleep while he stayed up and read something for awhile.

There was a special pirate named Jack Swift.  He was so attractive and snazzy.  He kept the crew captivated like they didn't know what they were seeing.  He was almost like the Candy Man.  Everything was good and in check, though, Celeste could see.  Josh came and massaged Celeste's shoulder.  Jack was very charming to the young girl..  There were wise, fun pirates, as well.  Sometimes, they would even play music.

Celeste wondered if a sea storm could swallow them up.  So, at the next stop, they got off and paid residence to another town that seemed more festive with a beat.  Girls danced in circles and looked very poofed out.

Celeste and Josh found an inn, a creepy 1, but nonetheless it was a place to stay..

So, they wandered off and found themselves in the wild.  Josh had a tent and fire spray packed.  They found lots of animals and wore protection.  They knew all about how wild animals behaved and how to trick them.  They met a bright young girl of 15 with  yellow hair.  She said her name was Sarah and she lived with her Gramma in a small cottage by the creek.  They were invited to stay, a familiar abode.

They were getting tired and started to trek back home to catch a boat to their island, as they had not really gone that far.

Celeste was happy to be home, and Josh became interested in Celeste and was allowed to talk with her in her cozy, dreamy, grayish tinted room.  They already lived in the same house.

Celeste woke up and went for breakfast and then was off to her school, where Josh started to attend.  She loved the homework and the fair environment, where she excelled.


for the little things.

I looked back

and I noticed I didn't explain this:

"Bella Thorne and|or her generation have not learned any manners.  They just smile cute, even when it's sad."

I am joking that all she does is smile.. in a good way, though.  Sorry..  I should talk to myself like that more often.  I should have said "some people."


I was so mad and even used violence as a move in a board game.


..What do we do if we feel surrounded by that which ails and plagues us?  I'll try to ignore next time, but punish as you will.  I may be upset or ignore it.

My Sincerest Apology

I was so surprised at 2 attacks.


3/5 - Me Singing

Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

Audio and voice recording >>

Me Singing


For All the Saints

Record and upload voice >>

Me Singing

2/5- Holy, Holy, Holy

Record audio or upload mp3 >>

I'm starting to sound more like Josh Groban sometimes.