Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Ellen DeGeneres

Yea, I guess she has some tender spots to her career and success. That's nice to know cuz we're like all worked up and don't even know if we should watch the show.

You might think

Late Boomers did something better, but it was made to be that way for them.

People want to dispose of me

but change and morph others into me and better.

Why do people

attack me and tell me I'm "what" I get from my parents and it's shitty shit shit?  I don't like how they come on sometimes.


Height: 5'4"

What pleasure do you have

in showing off how you feel comforted so much and showing off to kids they were bad.. but then also there's people like me who didn't do anything who you never give a chance while you give others a chance?


I don't want to be Ellen DeGeneres's Charlie Bucket.


New Blog: Dark Blog

Why do

adults say they do things bad kids do?

I refuse to believe

that acting edgy is the only way to arouse someone.

The only chocolates I can take

are assorted chocolates.

Did I tell you about

yes I did sometime .. kids at school are told not to worry about the past?

If an iKid

messes up, they feel in control and comforted.


Johnny Depp looks like he's on Logan's Run as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Even in

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, those Generation Z kids are not treated as well as the comforts Johnny Depp has.


Don't listen to adults.  They don't really care about us.  They might act like it's okay sometimes but tacky.  Look at the downward spiral of our lives at present and nearer past.

All These Kids

Getting in trouble for being like those 2 friends who would not write back nor say why they stopped posting to me.

Why I Might Not Dye My Hair

I think it could get natural highlights.  I wish I were prettier, not sure what's wrong, maybe time will tell.

You know, I didn't get accepted by talent agencies.  I guess they want the ugly girls whose skin is stretched by bone.

I just don't get it.

I would love my children a lot and they would be successful with a successful momma.  I just am not in a position to dislike if someone else came along.  No pointing fingers here.  It's just something that ALWAYS is.  The only reason I decided to have a daughter was to recreate who I never could be cuz of how old I was.


The supposition of racial mixing.  If dad can burst a vessel, so can little girly.

Why am I

not a winner do to external judgement, like age, where my parents are from..


Remember the scene when Willy Wonka eats the smashed up caterpillars?  All the boys think that means that cool part means only they are cool.
1st fake organ made


People in the movie mildly attractive, naw, but a big name in Hollywood like Johnny Depp, yea.


It's not better to be doing nothing but to have some or enough time to relax.

Hard Being a Depp Fan

When you're a Burton fan.  I got fat.

I guess

Johnny Depp had to stay on his acting schedule, could not mosey @ watching his old stuff.

I bet the graphics

were a lotta work-

"Quirky Situations, Mild Action and Language"

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory..

They think it's quirky for someone else to be cool than just Late Boomers and their kids born in 1997-8.

On My Own

Speak now or forever hold your peace.

IMDb - The Soapbox

I miss my old besties and their parents etc.

Why not talk to me? I sent them a lotta helpful e-mails before, got them to stop talking to me.

Some wonder

is it wrong to pleasure Late Boomers, tho?  It's wrong to just pleasure them and not according to who someone is apart from age.

Think tho how much more comfortable it is for Late Boomers and their daughters.  Like, they don't feel as humiliated.


Ellen, I guess some people have problems and our thoughts keep going, like we have extra thoughts, like we're old Chinese people.

What would you call it?

A personal hicky?

Not pointing fingers at any 1.


to make someone feel welcome would only certain people have to make up something like this for others?


With the bitch comes the pup.


It's a big topic for me most of my life.  You can chose to believe certain things.  I said, I'm not pointing fingers.  I don't see why there'd usually be anything wrong with that.  I'm sure this is done.  I'm not sure how loved I am with how dark my hair is now.  It was too dark and straight when I was a little girl.

Isn't there a thing

where it comes up on the Ellen show?  I watch it most days..


No, I don't make Late Boomers, or people born around 1960, "feel good" about being too young to have to have had kids my age.  It's just something I do in general, not pointing fingers.

Ha ha!  How ^important^ could it be for select individuals?  Chose by age!  Another, sorting not by personality but things like race and age!


Once or Twice is what does it..

Blonde Teenage Girls

Interesting Blonde Teenage Girls


to Ellen DeGeneres

I don't see how I deserve to watch you.  That spark I have is nothing.
Am I even legal to live?
Babies were so fat and unloved when I was little.


Did Brittany go up north more but fling LA aside

What do you think?

PA is not a key state.  Try NY, I have blood there.  I don't care @ NYC.

PA is full of mad indians.

I see.

Brittany likes where up north her family is from.  Well, mine are closer to Ellen's city's ancestors, though I like the state her relatives live in.

Look at this.

It's Brittany Snow!



So, whatever the creative reason, Elln put Brittany Snow from Florida on the far side with 3 people and Chloe Moretz close to her with 3 other people, the other 2 being more romantic, and Chloe is from Georgia.  I don't know what to feel about that except that it doesn't matter and wouldn't for anyone unless they were her daughter.  I would just think Brittany Snow would be put closer and Chloe Moretz farther.  I do want to go up north or travel around Florida.  Being up north rather than Florida is a benefit.  I am not quite sure why we're here.  It was supposedly the only place my dad could find a good enough job.  I live in Disney World, though..  Otherwise, it's for the beach.  I was born here, and it's a dream.  I am sad it is so small, maybe most people don't wish to "relocate."  I saw people like in NY who don't know how harsh and evil and violent it is in Orlando.  What did little Chloe Moretz do that Brittany Snow did not?  Now, I really need to go up north!  D':  It's better in some and many ways.  If you like and worship the sun like me, you have another side that feels the cold and coming snow is more "human."  I almost feel it's an insult to me what she did.  She probably thought up some reason and attached it to it.  I already said I think I see it doesn't matter, but I mean it doesn't make sense and it does matter when there's a situation.  I'm not complaining saying don't do it but rather find it very interesting.  Interesting to know why.  I think it's just about who's more Southern.  Sadly, it's not like you know older people when you get outta school with teachers and such, it seems.  Maybe, sitting close to Ellen for a little while was not a list of 100 things to do before you die, dunno.  I know sparks would fly.  I dunno.  It doesn't make sense.  Maybe, it was a rapport of maybe again someday like 10 years prior.  I need to watch that clip.  No harm intended, just wondering why Brittany was placed far away, like anyone from Florida would be who has northern parents, which I have 1 and 1 non-Caucasian.  I've seen Latinos get it with Ellen, I feel.  So..

There are like

9 15 minute videos of Ellen singing.  I prefer Josh Groban.  So much!  Too much!  Seriously, I have to do it by steps I may forget now.

I'd like to know

Ellen hates brunettes?  No, some are better than some blondes, that's for sure.  I'm serious, mathematically.  Not making up a fight.


Nothing about independence spells Ellen DeGeneres.  Wonder what her look-alikes do.

The joke is that I thought me being upset about what she did secretly to me was my independent responsibility to handle sanely.. and what I write on my blog is what I write.  It should not be mean but was frustration or shoulda been.  I hope that people wish I have a silver lining in the clouds.  I mean, my frustration was not silver linings.

IMDb - The Soapbox

Re: Watched a talkshow, tonight's theme being 'dating' and sure enough t

Yea, the next generation needs to learn to cope in the world.  

The people a bit younger "need to hit Hollywood" straight on.


Cheaply pick on me for cheap reasons.  I was inspired, sorry.