Saturday, August 30, 2014

New Blog

I must add.

I am excited to see her.  }:]

Help, I need help.

Ever since I got really upset once and actually hit things, like my sofa, in my room, my aunt's been traveling to see me and does not seem to be doing well.  I think she has done it like 4 times as of soon.  I think she is trying to make me feel uncomfortable, incessively.  She's with my Gramma and will only be here a couple hours this time.

I realize this is inappropriate, but that's how I ended up forming my thoughts and writing.

Also, you'd need to know, she does not claim to read my blog, but my parents know when I do this I recently found, if I scream.  They wouldn't tell her, though.  Some people watch me on a secret camera, though they are far from perfect.  This means she is in on things like this, I just realized.

Bare in mind the sincerity of my post.  WWYD?  You may help me out with next time I write all this about a problem.. people these days sure don't know how to e-mail nor post online with everyone.

I am also concerned they will do something to me for saying she does this "incessively" though it is an honest topic and writing without extra insults to hurt her nor anyone.

She also has visited with my brother all of a sudden, to celebrate his success in college.  I don't want this incessant feeling to be involved with me of secret messages from her, like I need a mom, because I already wanted to be like friends with her before.. this is merely an attack at her disagreements with me, not that I did anything wrong.  Her changing her lifestyle is a suggestive attempt but not quite like this.  I sorta feel at this point it doesn't matter and it may not be exactly "what" is affecting me.  It's a "secret" message with an "excuse."

I almost used the word "shit" in this post, and I am stuck with a secret message from the experimenters that when I reach the end of a line I should think about "me using that word 'to my aunt.'"  She used that word a lot in my presence, I'm enough proud to say.

I am not willing to let it get by that kids younger than me deserve the sweeter and stellar generation as their parental generation without me saying I don't have parents as much, at all.  I will not be raised at age 28 by backwards people who had their chance with me.  There are boundaries for people like that.  You want me to be your parental figure for you?  Then, you listen!  You think what you do doesn't mean anything to anyone.  That's all that seems to count, what you really mean.  Everyone has a chance.  No one agrees with this.  I do agree we need to be nice to older people, but there's something about people born around 1950.  Some older people have things, too.

You know, I was with a lady and her granddaughter, I'm pretty sure, maybe Italian or possibly Spanish, and I didn't shave and someone thought I misbehaved recently, and she said, "You will not watch me undress."  Now, people are all over like I did something, but I didn't.  My life is horrible.  I like to shave, but the meds make me tired and forgetful probably.

Also, these people experimenting on my just denied me, again, like I'm no good.  I can express what I think.  It comes on as a splash of inappropriateness, and you probably know what I'd say.


Adjusted Sidebar Width and Added Personality Types

Friday, August 29, 2014

Laughed So Hard

at Ellen in the ride.

I remember it was because once "the program" for her was school, and for us nothing works.  Nothing makes anyone like people around my age.
I realized in the 20s you could just go out to town and people would say that's what you're supposed to do.  I'm listening to jazz singing.  There's no, "Are you really European?" etc.


Someone tell me if this is legal.

Or go buy it..?

It is the best example of music I can think of.  The singing after has good moments.

In like 2 minutes

I read the sample prologue of Miss Peregrine and the Peculiar Children, which Tim Burton is releasing I think for Christmas.


Tumblr 1 - My Websites page
Tumblr 2 - on side

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Movie Record

Watching a Movie and Going to Bed

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)


I added a start time for the Tubular Bells dance on YouTube: link.

I watched

some of Ellen today with Emma Stone.

My, she's getting older.  )':  Still is there for the "kids" or teens rather.


People are all trashing me and stuff like it's the ABCs.

I'm tired

of seeing people just be mean to me like I'm a bad person when they're lying and invasive and doing it for their own pleasure.


People in Orlando can't get enough of calling me Asian when I don't like it. Making fun of me.  Pretending to mimic me.  Going around coming up with jokes.

I'm gonna look into Irish Dancing

I'm busy with my money @ Disney, though, but I'd like to know about my options.

Doesn't my

Mike Oldfield vid look like Pirates?



I could dance like the folk dancers form 1975.

This 1's new (01:08) :

I feel like my life is backwards.

Enjoy Disney now.


I've never seen anything so beautiful like this!

Reminds me of when I was a little girl.

IMDb - Politics

Re: Fear of appearing racist carries a real danger to the community

No one labels me by my mother's race (Asian.. Chinese.) 

Same with Native American indian. 

I don't mind Jewish. It's better than Italian and more Europeanized and is Caucasian.

IMDb - The Soapbox

Is anyone here both Asian and Native American?

Is being Native American overrated?

I am definitely

still growing and developing.  I don't sit in my room and read, I post on my blog, on message boards, I go out and go to the movies and watch TV, and I post on the most popular boards online.

Even if your life is messed up

The way I fixed my brother's is how I hope I can have a child with a better life than I had socially and behavior-wise.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Ellen DeGeneres

Yea, I guess she has some tender spots to her career and success. That's nice to know cuz we're like all worked up and don't even know if we should watch the show.

You might think

Late Boomers did something better, but it was made to be that way for them.

People want to dispose of me

but change and morph others into me and better.

Why do people

attack me and tell me I'm "what" I get from my parents and it's shitty shit shit?  I don't like how they come on sometimes.


Height: 5'4"

What pleasure do you have

in showing off how you feel comforted so much and showing off to kids they were bad.. but then also there's people like me who didn't do anything who you never give a chance while you give others a chance?


I don't want to be Ellen DeGeneres's Charlie Bucket.


New Blog: Dark Blog

Why do

adults say they do things bad kids do?

I refuse to believe

that acting edgy is the only way to arouse someone.

The only chocolates I can take

are assorted chocolates.

Did I tell you about

yes I did sometime .. kids at school are told not to worry about the past?

If an iKid

messes up, they feel in control and comforted.


Johnny Depp looks like he's on Logan's Run as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Even in

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, those Generation Z kids are not treated as well as the comforts Johnny Depp has.


Don't listen to adults.  They don't really care about us.  They might act like it's okay sometimes but tacky.  Look at the downward spiral of our lives at present and nearer past.

All These Kids

Getting in trouble for being like those 2 friends who would not write back nor say why they stopped posting to me.

Why I Might Not Dye My Hair

I think it could get natural highlights.  I wish I were prettier, not sure what's wrong, maybe time will tell.

You know, I didn't get accepted by talent agencies.  I guess they want the ugly girls whose skin is stretched by bone.

I just don't get it.

I would love my children a lot and they would be successful with a successful momma.  I just am not in a position to dislike if someone else came along.  No pointing fingers here.  It's just something that ALWAYS is.  The only reason I decided to have a daughter was to recreate who I never could be cuz of how old I was.


The supposition of racial mixing.  If dad can burst a vessel, so can little girly.

Why am I

not a winner do to external judgement, like age, where my parents are from..


Remember the scene when Willy Wonka eats the smashed up caterpillars?  All the boys think that means that cool part means only they are cool.
1st fake organ made


People in the movie mildly attractive, naw, but a big name in Hollywood like Johnny Depp, yea.


It's not better to be doing nothing but to have some or enough time to relax.

Hard Being a Depp Fan

When you're a Burton fan.  I got fat.

I guess

Johnny Depp had to stay on his acting schedule, could not mosey @ watching his old stuff.

I bet the graphics

were a lotta work-

"Quirky Situations, Mild Action and Language"

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory..

They think it's quirky for someone else to be cool than just Late Boomers and their kids born in 1997-8.

On My Own

Speak now or forever hold your peace.

IMDb - The Soapbox

I miss my old besties and their parents etc.

Why not talk to me? I sent them a lotta helpful e-mails before, got them to stop talking to me.

Some wonder

is it wrong to pleasure Late Boomers, tho?  It's wrong to just pleasure them and not according to who someone is apart from age.

Think tho how much more comfortable it is for Late Boomers and their daughters.  Like, they don't feel as humiliated.


Ellen, I guess some people have problems and our thoughts keep going, like we have extra thoughts, like we're old Chinese people.

What would you call it?

A personal hicky?

Not pointing fingers at any 1.


to make someone feel welcome would only certain people have to make up something like this for others?


With the bitch comes the pup.


It's a big topic for me most of my life.  You can chose to believe certain things.  I said, I'm not pointing fingers.  I don't see why there'd usually be anything wrong with that.  I'm sure this is done.  I'm not sure how loved I am with how dark my hair is now.  It was too dark and straight when I was a little girl.

Isn't there a thing

where it comes up on the Ellen show?  I watch it most days..


No, I don't make Late Boomers, or people born around 1960, "feel good" about being too young to have to have had kids my age.  It's just something I do in general, not pointing fingers.

Ha ha!  How ^important^ could it be for select individuals?  Chose by age!  Another, sorting not by personality but things like race and age!


Once or Twice is what does it..

Blonde Teenage Girls

Interesting Blonde Teenage Girls


to Ellen DeGeneres

I don't see how I deserve to watch you.  That spark I have is nothing.
Am I even legal to live?
Babies were so fat and unloved when I was little.


Did Brittany go up north more but fling LA aside

What do you think?

PA is not a key state.  Try NY, I have blood there.  I don't care @ NYC.

PA is full of mad indians.

I see.

Brittany likes where up north her family is from.  Well, mine are closer to Ellen's city's ancestors, though I like the state her relatives live in.

Look at this.

It's Brittany Snow!



So, whatever the creative reason, Elln put Brittany Snow from Florida on the far side with 3 people and Chloe Moretz close to her with 3 other people, the other 2 being more romantic, and Chloe is from Georgia.  I don't know what to feel about that except that it doesn't matter and wouldn't for anyone unless they were her daughter.  I would just think Brittany Snow would be put closer and Chloe Moretz farther.  I do want to go up north or travel around Florida.  Being up north rather than Florida is a benefit.  I am not quite sure why we're here.  It was supposedly the only place my dad could find a good enough job.  I live in Disney World, though..  Otherwise, it's for the beach.  I was born here, and it's a dream.  I am sad it is so small, maybe most people don't wish to "relocate."  I saw people like in NY who don't know how harsh and evil and violent it is in Orlando.  What did little Chloe Moretz do that Brittany Snow did not?  Now, I really need to go up north!  D':  It's better in some and many ways.  If you like and worship the sun like me, you have another side that feels the cold and coming snow is more "human."  I almost feel it's an insult to me what she did.  She probably thought up some reason and attached it to it.  I already said I think I see it doesn't matter, but I mean it doesn't make sense and it does matter when there's a situation.  I'm not complaining saying don't do it but rather find it very interesting.  Interesting to know why.  I think it's just about who's more Southern.  Sadly, it's not like you know older people when you get outta school with teachers and such, it seems.  Maybe, sitting close to Ellen for a little while was not a list of 100 things to do before you die, dunno.  I know sparks would fly.  I dunno.  It doesn't make sense.  Maybe, it was a rapport of maybe again someday like 10 years prior.  I need to watch that clip.  No harm intended, just wondering why Brittany was placed far away, like anyone from Florida would be who has northern parents, which I have 1 and 1 non-Caucasian.  I've seen Latinos get it with Ellen, I feel.  So..

There are like

9 15 minute videos of Ellen singing.  I prefer Josh Groban.  So much!  Too much!  Seriously, I have to do it by steps I may forget now.

I'd like to know

Ellen hates brunettes?  No, some are better than some blondes, that's for sure.  I'm serious, mathematically.  Not making up a fight.


Nothing about independence spells Ellen DeGeneres.  Wonder what her look-alikes do.

The joke is that I thought me being upset about what she did secretly to me was my independent responsibility to handle sanely.. and what I write on my blog is what I write.  It should not be mean but was frustration or shoulda been.  I hope that people wish I have a silver lining in the clouds.  I mean, my frustration was not silver linings.

IMDb - The Soapbox

Re: Watched a talkshow, tonight's theme being 'dating' and sure enough t

Yea, the next generation needs to learn to cope in the world.  

The people a bit younger "need to hit Hollywood" straight on.


Cheaply pick on me for cheap reasons.  I was inspired, sorry.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Different Old Pix of Me on that page.

Me Singing

This is interesting.

I am giving up money I don't have to act and can't seem to settle a nice life with a job and be productive as much at the same time.

I found average rates for an extra is like $850/day and commercials maybe $2,000.

The acting is more responsive than being a singer, which is hard to get sponsored at all it seems unless you've been taking lessons and have a developed voice.  I can't afford a good teacher and use my money to go to Disney since that's where I live now.

Contacted by an Agent

Don't have money upfront, options:

-no agent, pay less per month, don't know where
-agent $199/yr, $119/6 months, $69.90/3 months

I get paid the 1st.  She'll call then.

People expect you to be too perfect

and put you in harsh settings.  They got what they asked for.  I'll never make it.

I would.. okay with not going to Disney, but so long as I can I will.

I wanna blast outta here and to the scenes of Hollywood, LA..


New Side Box

Hardest Race to Be

Native American Indian

Thanks for the help, Italians and Spanish.  It meant the world.

All I can say is no it's not as much as being full Native American etc.

IMDb - The Soapbox

On Forensic Files last night, a Palestinian family in the US killed their daughter for acting like a white and dating to marry black. She was also in trouble for working, at a fast food place. 

I would have never known because they said their daughter pulled a knife on them if they didn't give her $5,000. 

I think the father was sentenced to death but died of natural causes in prison prior, and the mother is in prison for life. It's sad how bad prison is. They should be able to do what everyone else does but under supervision and treated for psychosis.

IMDb - The Soapbox

Topic Started by Pinky

Re: The Myth Of White Privilege (and what Ferguson is All About)

Part of the confusion I know of from experience is that blacks from New Orleans itself are used as a tool against people who did something wrong in their life at all who are from somewhere in the area but not the city itself. 

I don't know about Mississippi. 

I'm sorry if the 1st part of my response does not make sense.. I tried my best.

IMDb - The Soapbox

Who believes they are or are LIKE Italian, Spanish.. ?

I got that feeling|ideas. I can see how I'd have either as places family names went through. 

Also, I bet if you're part it's not as stellar insofar as being that as it is to be all. 

Over and out, it's hard to be born before 1997.

THE Teenage Experience

does not seem to go on in the streets of Orlando.  Kids had quite an experience, as well.

Monday, August 25, 2014

You can't downgrade my caliber.

I would

work but am still too weak.  It's the medicine.

I'm for real.  My therapist said not to work nor go to school but to go to a place where people go who don't work but will someday.

So Tired

I had a vivid dream recently I was on the bus to Disney and it was safe.

It was like on its way, sorta bonking around, like no one could find and shoot us.

I think I want to be an actress BECAUSE

I would have a fanbase and could get people together.

People aren't perfect.

Is it true Ellen wants her fanbase to dis good people like me for her support, however that would make sense if it did?

I had to wipe

my dis****** 5 times.


That older "kids" can have their kids soon cuz I'm still too young?


I looked up some of Chloe Sevigny.  Would love to meet her!

To make Ellen happy, I would in the process of waiting iron out kinks.

What if you had

an unattractive long nose?

Movie Stills


I did it to that!

Something Generation Crossed

Bella Thorne and I both have hair that's got some red in it but are trying for a nice natural tone with blonde.


It's insulting to treat people like shit.


For people who are 16-18, it's not like Josh Groban is the basic need of their life, it's being the best.

Aw, does that make you cry?  I hope not.  I didn't intend for that.


Tell me why my mom has cancer.  Is it my dad's fault?  I want a mom.  Does he think people are shit??


Just figure that Ellen would like someone like me with blonde hair who's 16 or 17 or 18.

I hope this is legal.

What will you do

if you are afraid to talk?

Watching That Vid

I'm loading it to my YouTube privately.

Why even have the other children?  Give em what I want.  We don't need them doing anything else.

So Sad

I met a good flautist and spotted a good violinist online, but the world may never know..

I don't get it.

I'm having troubles feeling like a kid born in 1997|8 and I feel invaded about my dad's age compared to others.  It's okay to talk about it, but I'm sure this situation is and isn't perfect.  Just saying.  I can fix it myself.  I was thinking of myself having a kid like someone born in 1997|8, not sure when that time will come, like 2009, too.

My dad is old enough but not too old that I talk.  I'm not ye silent wonder..


Ellen DeGeneres

Posting as Christina Ann J Barrett (Not you?)
  • Christina Ann J Barrett
    My life is revolving around you and your show starting up. There are also other plans. I mean personal things to keep 1 happy..?
  • Trendi Kendi · NCU
    Hi Ellen.I am Kendra Williams. I sent you my story via email. I do hope you read it someday...I am from the island of Dominica. I would love to be a part of your show but don't have an American visa.I am sorry love your spirit.keep being sweet
    • Christina Ann J Barrett
      I know, I heard it was hard to get a VISA. America can be a mess, but I hope you are ready when you do come. :) For example, in Florida, it feels so pieced together. Not many people here with very ancient ancestors from here. I have no clue what it's like in a more united country..?
  • Ashley Anderton Russell · TCC
    Keller, TX....i need to tell u some funny stories that have haunted me my entire life. i can make them funny still effects me but i'd love to meet you
    • Christina Ann J Barrett
      Sounds like you've been experiencing a nice full and active life. I think I could find stories, myself. Sometimes, it's just the mood and the people you're with. LOL! See, I lived in the nation's oldest continuing city, and it's made me who I am today..?

      No, let's talk about it more. I'm guessing Florida has the least native residents from any culture relating to the nature of the area. They dilute you and tell you your ancestry is overrated and rather dead. I don't even know what it's like there anymore, but it seems race is a big issue, like Southern European versus Mid-Northern European. See, I visited there, and I mean it looks like a spot on the map. We live more socially rather than of the city. However, what I love and find in its history is its beautiful farmland and learning what it's like up north, as my mom is Chinese-Indonesian and as anyone knows a younger mom. (Well, someone once said a young mom is 15, hers..)

      I'm interested in the South, too, in the U.S. After all, it's European, like my dad. I lived there all my life. I've been up north for college, and it turned me into a Northerner. My family all moved to the South. They live in Florida..

      I feel connected to you because I found that the New Orleans area had an affinity to Texas more than Mississippi. Mississippi is more like Florida.

      (I hope it is okay I posted all this here. If not, let me know. Thanks!)

So, I'm gonna get into this and post it today.

So, the older kids or kids with older parents pretty themselves more basically.  The younger ones look more stern in European but "feel good" and appear cute in a crowd.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

It looks like

my dreams never will come true, cuz everything is give and take.

Like dark hair but pretty.  Light hair but ugly.


Ellen helps me, does Tim Burton?


The girl in front when she turns and stuff looks complicated like I did at 10, which makes sense.


They had a book Pigmalion in it.

Why not just forget about people.

You literally tell the kids born in 1997-8 they are better.  You tell us we "aren't" that.

You.. people.


So, this came out Christmas 2003.

Elf 2003

Last Post

The little girl kicked her foot and fell into the lady who like held her up.  She looked around and stuff.

What right do you have

to sort people as better or worse by the year they were born?  In the picture I post on this post, the older girl looks prettier, but the younger 1 is too lazy to look more like that yet still gets a good experience, while the other is an inbetweener generation in the landmarks of generations.

I agree it should be like that in some way.  Yet, earlier in the movie we must experience a lady who has dark reddish dyed hair from probably Southern California making sure that she also is a hero for these kids born 1997-8.

Elf 2003

Did you ever consider

non-Pennsylvanians to not be all as organized and pepped as they're cracked up to be?

Good Idea to Shop Next Month?

$120? + extra $50 per week (which I like to save for Disney)


Jillian Michaels
$9 - Abs
$9 - Cardio
$8 - Power Scupt

Fructis Garnier Facial Cleanser
Frizz Ease Curl Stuff



Shaving Cream
Razer Blades


Silent Spinner
Hamster Bedding
Dreams of Pay Day Come My Way


I changed some links.
At least let us watch and leave us alone when we comment.  Was this getting sarcastic to you?  Cuz that's how I talk.  It means it literally, though, not messing around.
Why would I get mad at something I didn't post that people would get mad at me even if I posted it?


Amazing strength.


Why does Josh Groban get to rub elbows?  Technically, I'm shitting in my room all the time.


Too bad it is 1/2 illegal..

No I do not

have family in nor from New Orleans.


Chloe keeps battling like she's older than all these people, like me, bossing me around to say to make it look good, thinking she's more Southern, though Georgia is a Southern state, different from New Orleans and Florida.

Comment on That Video

on the shorter 1

So.. how did Ellen react to Brittany being Floridian? I could talk about that about as much as I've talked about racism. Lotta things come up that you forget were okay.


I don't have an extraneous problem about myself having parents not from up north cuz I heard it was bad if you didn't. I don't think that's how things ended up rolling out, as much as people seemed to deny it.

Brittany Snow is Floridian..

Sad @ My Mom

I don't want this to be it.  I need someone.  She seems like she's about to die.  Ellen might be an excuse for others who hurt her and made her like this, or it was just the stress from the car accidents.  I was upset when I saw her in glasses.  I've told her to slow down.  She never listened, like my brother, didn't listen to me.


Reminds me a lot of me but seems in on so much more.  What if I was adopted?


..I got some pills that deflect pre-diabetes and helps with diabetes.  I take 12 pills, now.

Oh, they are just natural vitamins, the pre-diabetes pills.

Saturday, August 23, 2014



Aw, I'll let that 1 go.

Now, I have a fast blog..

..It's not like I made a petition by posting an Ellen video.

She's on TV.

Singing is Farting


Anyone who's sung significantly is Josh Groban material, but now these Late Boomer parents sheild young people from singing unless they are outta-this-world objects of pleasure.
Everyone hates me and brings up race, when you're not supposed to, which isn't often.  "Quit respecting Middle Easterners."


I don't want my dad's m********ing hands on me, I wanted the experience in school theater, but that teacher barely put her finger on me.

The last Vocaroo

is shitty but has some interesting songs at the end.



Audio recording software >>
Wonder how that lady feels who was moving stuff around when I was asleep and made my nose wide.  }:|

I don't mean

to be mean to anyone, but sometimes I get really mad, usually just at Ellen.  Why act like, oh, I'm attracted to Ellen, must listen?


What do you get for being racist to me, when you shouldn't know me as anything but white?  I don't care what your heritage is and what it means to you.

Think about it, you "admit" something that isn't true.

Call someone else that who isn't.

You didn't earn your heritage.  I did.

You must think you're pretty magical.


So, do you think I'm still 2 years old?  I'm not uneducated on what it is to want to be white.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Think of all I was

for Tim Burton and what he did, but he never accepted it cuza my race and now the world is tortured.  No offense to him.  I just must report what goes unseen.  I was quite impressive.  I also blame Orlando.  Sorry, they are and can be so sweet.

Just watch a Jewish person and see if it's good, too.

Do some people not want your help

and just want you to leave them alone?

"OK ya'll will never believe this.."

I just watched a video from a Josh Groban concert.


I updated the People section.

I figured it out.

I must get over my Orlando addiction.  People used to be too violent to rule out those who are less than perfect.

Has anyone seen..

"What If?"  I thought it'd be a nice show.  It just let me know people were sarcastic to the actor of Harry Potter.  I mean racist.  He is Jewish, not sure how much..

The show showed an image of him with a new girl I've never seen before.


I said

I'm sitting this 1 out.

Ellen follows people who think wrong things to cope, but she shouldn't be spilling beans all over people who do right things.  She challenges good people, like, "Who do you think you are?"

By challenging good people, I also was not being sarcastic.

Adults online cannot hurt bad people

cuz they do it for fun but mainly because the adults are prejudiced to the real online experience cuz lotta people never got a blog and never posted much online or on the Soapbox on IMDb.

In some way

my dad doesn't love me.  He doesn't care if other people are better.


..why be mean to me?

I want my job now.

I don't wanna just sit at home.  The thing is I wanted to be in the military.  Ultimately, I wanna be an actor, singer, ballerina.  I can only seem to pick 2.

People are always

spewing negativity at me.  What happened to the happy thoughts?

If I leave home since I'm an adult I will still be bothered.
Do only pretty people fight?

My talent may be made up

but is my will?

What If

Europe copied us and now has American problems?  Like, coming to an end of being stimulating about something, like an orchestra, when watching it again.

The only reason I seem bad

is because my parents aren't both all white.  Other people can be fancy at home.  I'm home a lot.


My Favorite Things

Record and upload audio >>


How Could It Get in a Man?

I think Johnny Depp still is all he said he was and not worse than Tim Burton.  It's so annoying he just is afraid to be it because he thinks my dad and other dads of people my age would rather us be in trouble.

Don't worry about how I posted this, like "How do I think it could get in a man?"  I'm not being sarcastic.

I'm sitting this 1 out.

Ellen follows people who think wrong things to cope, but she shouldn't be spilling beans all over people who do right things.  She challenges good people, like, "Who do you think you are?"

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Did you notice

other singers thinking I can't sing all of a sudden?  Ask a great singer.

Did anyone else notice?

Twitter is the new MySpace?


New Tab

I'm bored

of just being in trouble.  That's Southern rivalry.

Another 1 to Wish You Could Bother Chasing After

Someone keeps thinking negatively of me, but it's just "important."  Like, it was that I wasn't substantial emotionally for others, but I am.  I don't touch people a lot, don't get ot.  I majored and was kicked out of Music Education, which pro singers can major in.

Ice Bucket

Recently, coincidentally, I swelled up and was dying to get dry under the covers I threw on me from the floor by my sofa.

I don't like this.

I'm not a slave to this girl.  I don't need to sit here and zone in on someone who doesn't appreciate me.  I have my own needs to be met.


..these people are escalating the level of their talking about a girl to me online.  1 started, the next followed, and the other increased it.  They don't really seem to have anything to say.  Too bad they don't get a blog.

Also, they're just doing it to hurt me.  They pretend I'm bad.

I didn't say they had to stop, I said what was going on.  They seem to not really be on the ball, in some way, and I am uninterested in what this says to me.  Why would I sit here at a time like this and have an intimate conversation about stupid things and things others do like that?  Maybe, this post isn't for them.  It's for other people.

What I See

I don't see, my cousin and brother will be jealous of me, so that's why we can chose to treat her like them.  I see, I don't like Christina, so I treat her like she's in trouble.


You never cared what I said really.  So, how could my true opinion interfere?  I meant no harm.

Do you play with yourself?

This is pathetic.

No one gets in trouble for saying I'm a nigger.  Well, they do.


Audio and voice recording >>

Church Medley

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I mean..

..I feel people are going on and on pretending I am a bad person.  People all get to live on the suggestion those people are spoiled, but when will they excel?

Freedom of Speech

Mum's not the word. xxxxxx


would anyone get to think I'm bad, now?  You all hurt me.  I wasn't being mean.  I got the message today that maybe I was fighting.  Maybe, that's why.  Why should I accept being mistreated?  I'm not Jesus and I don't believe in that part of the New Testament.

Why would I get in trouble

for you knowing my race?  Didn't it help people understand I have problems?  Instead, they made it worse for me.

It's like you think I don't have a shot at trying to be "the one."

Think over my 1st question|statement, 1st.

Do you wanna help me out and tell me why you think I'm different?  Johnny Depp is well-off and he is part black, with an ancestor as the 1st freed black lady.



Got a Call

U of Pheonix

Easily Figured

To get a Josh Groban tattoo is not as esteemed as looking like him in some way.  So, when you say oh but that's not a tattoo, it's not, but the tattoo isn't supposed to be the only thing that makes you a fan over all others.  So, that good feeling was for a different decision.
Roses of Apologies


2/5 - Simple Gifts - Me Singing Over My Piano Accompanying

Record and upload audio >>
How can I trust I will get a turn?

Since when was being totally nuked of strength a good sign, like people who look like they're just a bubble?  I have nothing to latch onto.  It's like I couldn't have gotten anything better down.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Like OMG do you know?

Josh Groban is trying to act like he knows the South and people from Florida don't.
If 1 thing happens for 1 reason but not for something else, it's not related.
Is there nothing to do on this earth?
Why make a girl feel something she hates?


Medicines all have side-effects, including death.


She didn't earn it. She might have been kept from it, but others are suffering.


Why do these select people mistreat me?  I am to be respected, but ya'll get mad when something about my race comes up.  This didn't happen in grade school..

I was told I passed the test.

Because I admitted I had a problem-


To my aunt on Facebook posting to her sister's daughter.

Why did you post this to her wall? You know, you're not more my mom because of your age being closer to my dad. You were putting your face in mine like you were even kissing me when you visit me all mad and honestly rather tacky. You're just another person. I don't feel love for your age being close to my dad.. You're too late to do that. I'm 28.


I just took a test.  It's about addiction.

Below are the results from your test.

We have compared your answers with people who have been diagnosed with sex addiction. Your answers have met a score based on six criteria that indicate sex addiction is present.
In addition there are certain subscales to further confirm that a problem exists. The following patterns emerged in your answers:
•A profile consistent with women who struggle with *** compulsive behavior
•A profile consistent with homosexual men who struggle with *** compulsive behavior

The SAST measures key characteristics of addiction. The following dimensions of an addictive disorder appeared in your answers:
•Preoccupation: obsessive thinking about *** behavior, opportunities, and fantasies
•Loss of control: inability to stop behavior despite commitments to self and others and despite problems caused by behavior
•Relationship disturbance: *** behavior has created significant relationship problems
•Affect disturbance: significant depression, despair, or anxiety over *** behavior

It's clear as crystal to me.  I chose those answers.

"I have been paid for ***."



Get the cookie!

Let's all just calm down.

"I have stayed in romantic relationships after they became emotionally or physically abusive.

I must confess

I was a crazed demon, but I'm calming down more now.  Good thing I have meds?

The Hope Line (cont.)

Coach: Regardless of what major you pursue, I want you to know that pursuing God is the most important thing you can do. Seek Him and all those majors and questions about auditions, will fall into place.
4:58 PM
Coach: His plan for you is better than any plan you could make for yourself. Follow after Him and get freedom and healing from past hurts. Ask Him to help heal you and cleanse you and surround you with peace.
4:59 PM
Christina Barrett: OK thanks :)
4:59 PM
Coach: Also, I would love to pray with you? Before we end, would you like me to?
4:59 PM
Christina Barrett: OK
4:59 PM
Coach: Awesome! I'll pray below:
5:00 PM
Coach: Father, thank you that you are peace. You are the one that calms the storms around us. You are the one that heals the hurt. Jesus, thank you that Christina came here to talk today....
5:00 PM
Coach: I pray that you would guide her towards your truth, towards the idenity that you have for her in you...
5:01 PM
Coach: You think thoughts of love towards your daughter. You give joy and healing. You know Christina has been hurt by the things she thinks other people have said...
5:01 PM
Coach: Jesus, I pray that you would silence the voice of accusation and unloving in Christina's mind. I bind those voices and thoughts that are not of you, and I command them to go. Jesus, fill those places now with your peace....
5:02 PM
Coach: Let you truth and your Spirit just wash over Christina. Let her feel your love right now surrounding her....
5:02 PM
Coach: Jesus, help Christina to forgive those in her life that have hurt her. Remove all bitterness and hurt from her soul and mind....
5:03 PM
Coach: You know that she is studying music God and that she wants to get auditions but doesnt believe that she can do it. Lord, I pray that you would give Christina such a hunger for you that she would seek you first before all that...
5:04 PM
Coach: Jesus, give her wisdom and a perspective from your point of view concerning her life. Speak truth to her. We command the confusion to be gone in the name of Jesus....
5:04 PM
Coach: Surround Christina with peace Jesus, complete peace and let her know that you love her and want to make her new: new mind, new heart, new idenity....
5:05 PM
Coach: Father as she reads, I pray that you would speak to her through your Word. Loud and clear, let your truth just hit her heart and heal those places of hurt....
5:06 PM
Coach: Jesus, protect Christina from things that are not of you. Remove those things that are not of you from her and from her environment. Bless her today with peace. Help her also as she goes to these other websites. Let her be encouraged there...
5:06 PM
Coach: In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
5:06 PM
Christina Barrett: Amen.
5:07 PM
Christina Barrett: Thank you so much! You are such a highly intelligent being!
5:07 PM
Coach: Im glad you came in to talk today and that we got to pray together!
5:07 PM
Christina Barrett: :) Keep it that way and get better.
5:07 PM
Christina Barrett: Yes!
5:07 PM
Coach: Thank you Christina! that is so kind. Check out those websites okay?
5:07 PM
Christina Barrett: OK :)
5:07 PM
Christina Barrett: Bye!
5:07 PM
Coach: byee! :)